Sunday, 13 April 2008

Ancient Remedy For Hair Loss

Just to remind ourselves how far we've come in finding a cure for hair loss, have a look at this 17th century solution.

While there is some way to go until the perfect cure is found but I'm glad we are living in the 21st Century!
clipped from

The 17th Century solution to hair loss ... a handful of dried bees, according to a rare book

If you were losing your hair in 1655 you could rub some dried bees on your head and if you were feeling under the weather you could always drink the fermented juices of thirty vipers.

These medical treatments were the height of sophistication for 17th Century ladies and gentlemen and have been uncovered in a rare book.

Roy Logan inherited a copy of Natura Exenterata or Nature Unbowelled, which gives handy hints for preparing the ancient and unusual potions.

Medical book
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